National Rural Alert Message

Police in the Highlands have advised that there has been an increase in fuel thefts at residential and commercial level in the Highlands region and are urging residents and businesses to be extra vigilant and look to take precautions to prevent off-grid fuel tank thefts.

The advice and suggested precautions include:

  • Use Lockable Gates on the property
  • Securing the Tank Area
  • Lockable Access Points
  • Good Quality Padlocks
  • Security Lighting
  • CCTV
  • Tank Monitoring Devices

Please report any suspicious activity including registration numbers of suspicious vehicles to the Police on 101 or 999 if a crime is in progress.

Rural ALERT Scotland is a FREE, Secure, partnership based community messaging system which Rural Watch Scotland and the Police Rural Crime Strategy. It allows service providers to send localised, targeted Alerts with information on issues of crime, safety and resilience to all rural communities.

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